Sunday, July 09, 2006

Fourth of July 2006

Well, we decided that we would travel down to DC and participate in the festivities surrounding the 4th of July. The two towns represented this year were Alberta, Canada and Chicago, IL. Jana and I have just begun a new diet, so although the food looked great... we did not partake :). So we let the kiddos enjoy the food and participate in the activities.

We let McKenna down on the grass for the first time and although hesistant at first, she soon got the hang of it. It was hard for daddy to stay ahead of her fast crawl to remove any of "nature's items" McKenna thought should belong in her mouth.

We also participated in a 4th of July breakfast put on by the church at the Olsen's farm just north of Frederick, MD. We had no idea how big the festivity would be. We had a Maryland Senator and representative of the House there along with Fort Detrick's general. They all spoke to our stake to give us a little history about the Constitution and what's currently happening in the state of Maryland surrounding our civil liberties. There was also a veteran of each major war all the way back the Korean war. It was quite a celebration. The food was the best as everybody brought the tastiest, most patriotic breakfast foods we could all think of. Needless to say, Jana and I took a day off our diet. (I think I added all the pounds I had been losing!)

Ethan's favorite activity that morning was the rope swing.

One thing we did learn is that the 4th of July rocks out here on the east coast! We were even able to light off a few of our own fireworks since this is the first state that we've lived in where fireworks are not illegal. What a great holiday for the Becks!

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