Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just any old day

Well, it's been too long since the last post and I was just banging on the keyboard when I remembered that our little family has a blog. Let me catch you up on a few items of importance... Brody (me) is now a teacher in our church primary. I team teach with fellow teacher John Gish, so I really only have to prepare a lesson every other week. Talk about easy living. Jana has been called as primary president. Let's just say she is very busy. As organized as she is, the primary has never been better. I've had many people comment that the new primary presidency is a "powerhouse." Ethan has finally learned that if he is good in school, he gets privileges at home. It only took him 110 school days to figure that out. Go figure. McKenna is as cute as ever and loves walking around the house in her plastic toy highheels. She's such a girly girl. I've managed to totally turn her into daddy's little girl much to the dismay of Jana. Sorry honey, she's just too dang cute.

Jana's brother Tyler and his wife Erin just gave birth to Gavin - the cutest kid west of the Mississippi. Our heartfelt love and congratulations go out to you two. Being parents is the best experience of this life.
...And we're very jealous of how beautiful your blog is compared to ours. ;-)

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